It’s like you grew up and now paid work is more important.
I think deep down you don’t care to work on it more than your outside GTA lifes and the work you do in the outside world. Look sorry to rant but even Oleg over at zmodeler3 needs you guys to finish so that he can move forward and we can have model edits. It’s sad to think they really care when we all know they stopped caring when they released this shit on PC. They are not going to sue you they don’t fucking care they already made billions and want to milk this online micro transaction shit for everything it’s worth.
WTF GET TO WORK ALREADY YOU ARE THE ONLY THING STANDING INBETWEEN THE WORLD AND GTA V MODDING FUCK ROCKSTAR AND WHAT THEY WANT THE WORLD WILL FUCK OVER GTA V PC ONLINE IT IS WHAT IS TO COME DON’T depend on Alexanders Script hook to work forever it will be the first to go and then your shit won’t work because you cared to much about what Rockstar wants.